I need some movie titles. I go into the video shop and I can't really think of anything I want to see.
For the most part, if it is a new release, I probably already saw it in the movie theater.
What I am looking for is backlist! Something that is probably over a year old. Older than that is okay, too. It just has to be good.
Genres I like:
comedy (not stupid stuff like American Pie and not Woody Allen-- I have actually asked for my money back with Allen movies)
romance (as long as it is not cheating couples or sexual weirdness posing as "art"--Thinking of "Unbearable Lightness of Being")
Drama (generally not a favorite but "Map of the Human Heart" was amazing but very sad)
Don't like so much:
artsy movies full of angst that explore the human condition and make you feel crappy