Tokyo, Procrastination
Published on March 16, 2006 By momijiki In Blogging
Can't sleep.

Would like to. got about 4 hours and then I just kept thinking about stuff.

I'm giving a test tomorrow and I'm worried I made mistakes on it. Normally, no biggie. I deal with problems if they come up. Tonight I'm losing sleep over it.

I'm also trying to have another shot at having a kid. Now I'm all freaked about some photography chemicals that got on my skin (what can happen!!!!!--- I washed my hands thoroughly after but I should be wearing gloves and have MAJOR guilt about not wearing gloves...) I ate blue cheese! (I read in Cosmo it's bad because of listeria) I'm out of folic acid and my multi's are huge with vitamin A.

None of these things are probably that big a deal. I can cope. I can get vitamins tomorrow. I'm probably not even pregnant. Sheesh. with stress over stupid things like this, I never will be. Some of these things are pretty important, but not to the level I stress about.

Probably, it;s just because I want to do things right. Some things we don't get a second chance to make it right.

on Mar 16, 2006

Not being able to sleep is one of my biggest stressors.  I have gotten much better, because some nights I just don't get any at all, or perhaps an hour or two.  But waking up and not being able to fall asleep used to really stress me out.

Conscious relaxation was the key for me.  Lie down, and focus on your body.  Tighten everything up and then start at your toes and consciously relax them, moving on up.  Worked wonders for me.

Or just come and blog. 

on Mar 16, 2006

Sorry to hear you can't sleep...sux.

Don't worry about the pregnancy thing.  I think most women do though....when you find out your preg you think back over the time period and stress over everything you did wrong.

I bought pesticide to use outside my house with my first one.  I had a bunch of grubs and othe bugs in my garden.  It was granular and I didn't have gloves so I just used my bare hand.....YEAH!  Then found out I was pregnant.  Talk about stressing!

But he turned out normal, except for that nervous tick he has...his head constantly looks like he is moving in time to a rap song.

Gotcha.  He is FINE.

on Mar 16, 2006
Hope you are able to relax enough tonight to be able to get in some good ZZZs.
on Mar 16, 2006
"Some things we don't get a second chance to make it right."

That struck a chord with me.

Tova, you're my hero. EXCELLENT comment... haha

on Mar 16, 2006
thanks for the laugh Tova. Sorry to hear about that nervous tick lol

But seriously, but your comment also made me feel a lot better.

Dev, thanks for the relaxation advice. Usually I am ok with it. Yoga breathing usually helps but this time the thoughts kept cycling through brain. Urgh.

I can't sleep when I have stuff to do early in the morning. I'm always afraid I will oversleep. Having done so in the past (with majorly bad consequences) has, I think, made me obsessive compulsive about not oversleeping to the point I cant.
on Mar 22, 2006
Wow, good luck on your baby making - as if you need it! Don't worry about it, when it's your time, it will happen - look at Tex!

I hate being sleepless and tired too, it makes me very cranky and you wouldn't want to be near me when I'm cranky from lack of sleep!!