Tokyo, Procrastination
...oops I did it again
Published on April 2, 2006 By momijiki In Blogging
I burnt my toast. I haven't seen it, but I can smell it. Smells very burnt. Why am I not rushing to the kitchen to save it? Hubby was in the same room and he took care of it... after I smelled it burning from another room.

I should really watch my toast once I start it. But to me, watching toast is like watching a pot until it boils. Nothing happens for a long time and then suddenly.... action! And though this is definitely not true, I always feels like a watched piece of bread never toasts. But, I don't have a pop-up toaster. I use the little gas fish-grill that is underneath my gas burner. Makes very nice toast... but I keep forgetting to watch it.

I end up wanting toast and cherry or apricot jam, slide some toast into the grill and wait. Then I start thinking, "Oh well, I have enough time to start running the bath." And then on my way back to the grill, I stop to put away some shoes, sometimes turn on my computer to check my email later. Then I'm thinking, "what am I gonna do now?" and the aroma of charcoal toast reminds me. Other times I am making breakfast and I remember about my toast just as the eggs need to be taken off the stove.

I have a long history of burning toast and toaster pasteries. The worst was a blueberry poptart. At least this was in a pop-up toaster. Well, it was supposed to be pop-up and therefore safe, but the pastery got stuck and it didn't pop up and the filaments kept toasting.

Silly me was reading a book thiking, "My poptarts will pop up and get a chance to cool a bit and then I will eat and finish this chapter." Hmmm.... yeah, right. I walked into the kitchen to see flames coming out of my toaster and almost licking the bottom of the cupboards above it. But did I panic? Yes. But at least I had the presence of mind to grab a wooden spoon to pull out the electric cord before shoving the toaster into a dry sink. Maybe I wouldn't have been electricuted, but the thing was on fire! How can I know?

I was finally able to retrieve the pop-tarts. The had morphed from flat rectangles to those curiously rounded cubic shapes of briquettes for the barbeque. Makes you wonder where briquettes come from doesn't it?

Well. I still want a piece of toast. Maybe a cup of tea as well. This time I'm going to hang out in front of the grill.

on Apr 02, 2006
lol- I am the same way about making grilled cheese sandwiches and pancakes. I can cook if it's something I can start and leave alone but if it's something I have to watch, forget it. I guess I just don't have the attention span.

My hubby is making breakfast this morning.
on Apr 02, 2006
I made the same move last night with a frozen pizza. I popped it in the oven, checked the time, and promptly started editing some configuration files on my laptop. After what seemed like a short time I glanced at the clock and realized my pizza had been in the oven far longer than it should have been.

I had some rather crispy pizza for dinner.
on Apr 03, 2006
I had heard that Poptarts are flamible, but as I have long since passed my adolescent days, I have never  tried to prove that theory.  Thank you for all of us that are too timid to prove what we hear about.
on Apr 03, 2006
I have never tried to prove that theory. Thank you for all of us that are too timid to prove what we hear about.


Personally, I think that the barbeque briquettes are really pop-tart rejects.
on Apr 21, 2006
Momijiki I couldn't help but laugh at this. Not at you but at the sitution, I can just see you with the wooden spoon dancing around! Ah well...I think many of us do that, put a pot on or toast or something we think shouldn't be any trouble and go do something else then whamo, it's burnt or we're burning down our home! I sometimes burn the rice because I'm always doing a lot of different things. One should not multi-task in the kitchen! I'm trying not to do that!!
on Apr 23, 2006
FS... you should get a rice cooker! Bad thing is that it takes up some counter space, but you put in the rice, add water, close it and push the button. Nothing easier!

You can keep your rice in there for about two days. Maybe 3 but it isn't so tasty by then.
on Apr 23, 2006

you should get a rice cooker!

It would not serve any use here.  My wife does a fantastic Spanish rice!  And it aint made that way.

on Apr 23, 2006
Dr. Guy and Foreverserenity are married???????

I had NO idea. I'm always the last to know on this kinda stuff......

Spanish rice sounds really tasty, though. mmmmmmmmmmm
on Apr 23, 2006
I decided to heat up some coffee in the carffe rather than in a cup in the microwave, went to the basement to start a load of clothes and heard my son screaming at me to get up stairs and put out the fire.

The whole thing caught fire and the plastic on the carffee was melting, so I tore off my sweatshirt ( brand new of course) and used that to smother the flames.

Now I try to not leave the stove, if I have to leave, I turn it off!
on Apr 23, 2006

Dr. Guy and Foreverserenity are married???????


No.  I just know 2 great ladies (actually more).