Tokyo, Procrastination
That darned machine was working just fine for a couple of weeks. I was having enegergizing latte almost every morning and enjoying the savings involved by being a do-it-yourselfer. Then today, the rebellion rose up once again.

This time, it was not a matter of just pushing the button harder. I pushed that thing really hard--until it almost fell over. But no steam for foamed milk. Espresso came out well (I think, but I forgot it on the counter when I left for work). Even my husband had a go at it. We decided to leave it for now, thinking that there is some kind of pressure build-up and not wanting to have to clean up another explosion of coffee grounds before going to work.

I think it might be some build-up from last time we used it and maybe (gross as it sounds) did not clean it up as well as needed. I am going to blame my husband for that (though it is probably my fault) since he isn't here. Well, the battle will continue tonight. And there will be only one winner-- me.

on Apr 14, 2004
Thank god it has been fixed now.