Tokyo, Procrastination
Of course, I heard all about the crazy frog ringtones when all the frenzy was going on. But crazyfrog never caught on in Japan and if it ever played on the radio here, I still would have never heard about it. Japanese radio drives me crazy because most stations play half a song and then the hosts talk most of the way through it.

So okay. I heard about it and couldn't care less. Today I happened to read a book where everyone's cell-phone had the crazy frog ring tone. So now I'm curious. I google it (amazing that has become a verb!) and get this Link Ok. Stupid and I laugh my ass off because it is stupid. Ok, it was more of a chuckle. Mostly, I laugh because I am soooooooo out of it pop-culture wise for back home. But, hey! I know my Japanese commercials!

on Sep 19, 2006
I liked it!  But that sound can get annoying fast.