Tokyo, Procrastination
Published on January 19, 2007 By momijiki In Health & Medicine
I had a sub job teaching in kindergarten today. It was at a private school and the kids are pretty smart. It was pretty fun. They are so cute and the little ones don't tire me out as much as they used to. The big tiring factor was my feet.

Since I'm a sub I try to dress a bit between casual and formal work wear. Usually I wear a nice pull over, some nice pants and work shoes. Another school I sub at has a dress code of no rubber soled shoes. Today's place is more casual and I regret not wearing more walker oriented shoes.

My shoes were flats with an insole, but if I stand on a tile surface or cement for a long time, I'm toast. So I was toast today.

I walked to the train station and each step was heavier and more painful and stiff up to my knees. Amazingly, I was able to bypass the Wendy's. One of my resolutions is to lose 5 kg so I'm pretty proud of staying out of the joint. But when my body is ouchy like I really crave fatty food. I decided to get off the train (thank goodness I got a seat on the train) halfway home and go get a foot massage.

I love reflexology. I think because my grandma used to give us reflexology foot massages when I was a toddler. It's one of the few memories I have of her because she died when I was 5. But I remember getting a foot massage from her and then going out and running with my brother and sister, then my dad telling us we couldn't get another foot massage if we were going to waste it by running around straight after.

At the places I go to in Japan, I always find it interesting when they discuss the massage with you after. They ask if any part in particular hurt, or sometimes what part they noticed seemed to be a problem area. Then they show you a chart which shows which part of the foot represents what part of the body and where your foot indicates your body is having stress. Usually, I have found them to be spot on.

Anyway, a period of lying back in an easy-chair gettting a foot massage was just what the doctor ordered. I gathered up enough energy to do some grocery shopping for a taco-salad (a few tortilla chips on veggies with chicken and salsa). I'm glad the grocery store was next door to the building with the foot massage and at the station. Makes life easy.

I had plans to go running later today but I think I am going to be better off with some stretching and gentle yoga.

Thank you foot massage. You saved my from deep fried emotional bandages.

on Jan 19, 2007
aaaahhhhhh yes hmmmmm you have made me want another one! Damn - you have got me hankering after one now!

When I went to China - I had foot massages done at the end of every day. One time they spent an hour per foot - it was heaven. There is something so magically relaxing about massage.

You should keep a spare set of "comfy shoes" in your car or bag for occasions when your feet take the strain in the classroom...I am sure no-one would complain too much if you quietly changed them when the need to do so yelled out to you.
on Feb 04, 2007
How's your gym program going? Thank heavens for foot massages uh?!