Tokyo, Procrastination
Published on March 21, 2007 By momijiki In Current Events
Two days ago I had one of those "I love living in Japan" moments.

I was watching the news (hence the posting under current events) and they did a long segment about the first cherry blossom opening in Tokyo. They then showed a graph of the expected time from the first blossom to full bloom and the last petal and then showed a map of Japan with dates of when Haika was expected for different areas.

Usually news is about disasters and tragedies or somtimes the strange story. What I really liked about this story was the treatment of this as BIG news. It seems like such a small deal, but in Japan they take their cherry blossoms seriously. The main reason is that sitting under the cherry blossoms and picnicking and drinking (called Hanami) provides one of the main social events of the season. From family outings, mama gangs with toddlers or the obligatory office Hanami party, cherry blossoms mean big business for beer, food and vending companies.

I blog about Hanami just about every year since I started blogging. See? It's hard not to get sucked into it. The only thing really marring my Hanami pleasure this year is the fact that an electrical company cropped the branches of a street of cherry trees to protect the power lines. Last year these trees were sensational. I was really looking forward to photographing them this year but now they are stunted and choppy looking. Still no leaves and only a few blossoms so maybe it will be better than I expect. I can only hope.

Looks like it will be a nice hanami season this year. The weather is warm and there hasn't been much rain.

Go cherry blossoms!

on Mar 21, 2007
Hmm... these articles don't seem to show up in the recent articles and another one didn't show in forums when I bumped it (which I hate doing to my own stuff)
on Mar 21, 2007
I hope to eventually spend some time in Japan. Sushi, game shows, vending machines for items that have no business being in a vending machine...and now cherry blossoms

I, too, have noticed a pronounced inconsistency in where and how posted articles show up on the forums and "recent articles" list.
on Mar 21, 2007
Sign me up for the food and beer parties! That does sound like some fun times!

As soon as they do come up, and look beautiful, post a picture! You still take pictures right?
on Mar 21, 2007
How wonderful to have celebrations based on natural events. Enjoy the Haika and the Hanami!!
on Mar 21, 2007
You still take pictures right?

Yep. Still take pics. Finally found a good site to post pictures via link for joeuser. Photobukt didn't do it for me.

game shows

And the worst of the stupid game shows are always seen in the States. Granted, there are a lot of stupid show to choose from but it's not as bad as the crap I saw shown in the US. "Iron Chef" would be the exception. That was a fab show. The commentary was icky but the food!
items that have no business being in a vending machine

Hmm... you seem to certainly be familiar with a certain part of culture over here! lol In 10 years here, I think I have only seen that kind of vending machine once. I read your other blog about the "health shops" as they call them here. Crazy man (not you, the owners).

You'd love the cherry blossoms. You can even smell them in the air. A faintly cinnamon scent.

on Mar 21, 2007
And the worst of the stupid game shows are always seen in the States.

My personal favorite was one where they put a bunch of women in a house, Big Brother style, but the contest was to see which one could cry the most. They had to collect their tears in bottles. They started by watching sad movies, but when they got desperate they started pinching themselves and stuff. I felt kinda bad watching it, but it was pretty funny. Then there's human whack-a-mole, with people popping their heads out of holes cut in plastic tarps stretched over full tanks of water. Good family entertainment.

Crazy man (not you, the owners).

Don't speak too soon