Tokyo, Procrastination
It's not amazing but it's mine. Well, half anyway.
Published on May 14, 2008 By momijiki In Home Improvement

I finally have pictures of the container garden I started.  There's still dirt everywhere.  I sweep and sweep and there's still more dirt.  Blech.  Well, it makes me at least wish the balcony tiles weren't so lightly colored.


the herb pot I've clipped a few sprigs of lavender already and I've used some of the basil on some nice tomatoes.












top view of the herbs.I like this view a bit better because you can see all the herbs.  The parsley is top right corner, basil in bottom right, the rosemary is at 6:00.  I think it might be thyme at 10:00 but I can't remember and it can barely be seen.












The window boxes came with the house. So it was nice not to have to buy them.  The building company had put some nice fake ivy in the boxes and it looked very green and pretty but it was fake.  An extra ick-bonus was the pile of cicadas Ifound in there when I went to dump them out.  Maybe the bugs thought they were getting a succulent treat.  You can suck and suck but you can't get no juice from plastic!

The closest box is cilantro (which isn't doing too well), rocket (doing great), chives and lemon balm.

The second box has two cucumber plants and two pepper plants and the third box has three tomato plants with a small chives and  small lemon balm to keep the nasties away.  So far so good.

Those of you with eagle eyes may notice the unique plant stand I made.  Yes, those are chopsticks. The cilantro was really wilty and the chopsticks help to keep it from rotting on the ground.  Chopsticks and twist-ties.













And that is my new garden!

on May 14, 2008

Very nice Momij.

You are doing a fantastic job.  I bet all those herbs smell good on your deck too.

(Cicadas....ew!)  The only real way to get all the dirt up, is to sweep, then use a wet rag, mop, paper towel, get on hands and knees and start wiping.  Also, if you water from a standing position dirt will splash onto the floor.

I am intrigued about your home.  Maybe you could take some pics of the local community, inside your home?

How is life different in Japan (the daily stuff..eating, commuting, etc) compared to the States.

I'm very curious and looooove picutres.

Just a thought.  I am sure you are busy.


on May 14, 2008

I love the lavendar and it is very pretty too.

The herbs not only smell good, they will be even tastier.

on May 14, 2008

Thanks for the nice comments.

I swept up a lot of the dirt but skipped the wet rag part as it was supposed to rain the next day.  I scrubbed with a brush while it was wet.  Better, but I'm gonna have to scrub the old fashioned way, too.  

There were three kinds of lavender to choose from at the garden center. Crazy!  I got the English type which also grows wild (?) up in Hokkaido.  

I don't really smell the herbs while I'm sitting outside.  If I stick my face in them or clip them I can.  It hasn't been hot enough I think for scent to really travel... unless one is cooking fish or onions.