Tokyo, Procrastination
I gotta have my sweets, man!
Published on July 15, 2008 By momijiki In Health & Medicine

I love my cakes, cookies, chocolates and ice-creams.  I love to eat them while drinking a nice, rich coffee with milk.  If it's a chilly day, I want a hot coffee (or latte or misto) and if it's hot, I want an ice coffee (or latte or blah, blah,blah).   This makes me very happy and it makes me feel really content. I especially love this when I can have these treats while reading a book on my balcony bundled up if it's chilly and wearing loose, ugly clothes when hot.

Now enter the problem.  I've been having really low energy, and feeling cranky and mentally sluggish.  I'd say it was hormones  but it's the wrong time of month, and my low blood pressure could have been affected by the humidity, but I felt icky before the sticky weather really hit hard.

I was reading about hypoglycemia and thought I'd give a diet to help balance this out.  Okay, who am I kidding.  I hate dieting.  I got some good ideas which I will implement though.  More protein and more high fibre foods, and more meals spread out during the day.

Basically, it's eat less junk food and eat more healthy stuff more regularly.  Common sense, no-brainer stuff that everyone should do anyway.

So now it's the end of Tuesday and I've been without caffeine (at all) since Sunday morning and except for one small slip-up I haven't had any sugary foods other than fruit-- not even soda.  I don't drink much soda anyway so that is not a big problem for me.  I probably have about three really strong cups of coffee and the headaches are just starting to go away.  Sunday night was brutal.

My headaches also get worse when I sit in my husband's massage chair.  That thing is a rack of torture and he even removes some of the cushions to get a stronger massage.

I'm missing my coffee.  I have substituted herbal tea without caffiene.  I've been drinking mugi cha which is wheat tea and not as nasty as it sounds but one needs to cultivate a taste for things that can be a bit bitter on first sipping.  But it's not the same.

I even find myself making excuses why it would be okay to have a coffee in such and such a situation or why I deserve to have a donut or a little bit of chocolate.  I've got some tasty cookies sitting on my table but I haven't touched them.  I hope my husband takes them to work like I asked.

I can't say that my energy is back to where I like it yet.  Hopefully, soon.

on Jul 15, 2008

I've never really had any problems with sugar. When I diet, it's quantity, not quality (or unhealthiness) of food that I decrease.

However, I've heard that some people have had problems with sugar. Have you tried a pure cacao chocolate bar? It'd be relatively low sugar, and would give that chocolate kick. However, it would be bitter.

Try: Amazon

on Jul 15, 2008

What I do when I get to the point I feel like I NEED sugar everyday is....detox for two weeks.  I give my body a break.  No sugar, no fruit, no white bread or rice, white anything, for two weeks.  After that I try not to start my day with anything sugary at all....if I eat sugar in the morning, I crave it all day long.

Can you drink decaf coffee?

I am just about to go toward a two week detox.  I spent the last 3 weeks not working out, eating anything that was available (read: vending food) and I feel horrible.

I went off caffeine but will have some occasionally...maybe one day a week.

I think you have to find what works for you.  Good luck!


on Jul 15, 2008

Can you drink decaf coffee?

I had my first cup of decaf two years ago.  I always drank coffee because of the caffeine jolt.  Decaf is a good idea, but I think my habit of having a sweet with a coffee is too habitual.  I think I will evenutally switch to macha (powdered green tea) because I usually like to have a fruit with it so it's probably a better habit.


I've done detox, but I just felt really crappy for the first week then I was ok, then I was back to my sugar ways.  I really need to find something longer term.

I'm finally starting to feel normal but I had a long sleep today.  At least my energy level feels better.


I've never really had any problems with sugar. When I diet, it's quantity, not quality (or unhealthiness) of food that I decrease.
However, I've heard that some people have had problems with sugar. Have you tried a pure cacao chocolate bar? It'd be relatively low sugar, and would give that chocolate kick. However, it would be bitter.
Try: Amazon

Thanks for the suggestion.  I often have chocolate iike that but I'm trying to get rid of the habit.  I hardly ever have cheap chocolate.  I have the illusion that it is healthier, but I really just prefer that it is less waxy.

I didn't have a problem with food either until the last few years.  Actually, it is probably fairer to say that I am a lot more aware of how lack of sleep or poor diet affects my body than I did when I was younger.  I could say that I was more resilient when I was younger, but when I look back, I think I just thought that being stressed out was normal.