My birthday is in two minutes.
I kind of wanted to have a large party, but then when I started to organize it, I realized that doing so was going to be full of disappointments and irritations so I wisely opted to have dinner with my husband only. That will be 98% guaranteed to be a really nice evening. The 2% is just in case of things like stepping on dog poo or twisting my ankle or getting salmonella. Remote possibilities as I only give it a 2%. Since it is 1 a.m. in the morning, I have a whole sleep and a day to go through before my official birthday dinner.
I think it's been a pretty nice year. We bought a house that I absolutely love. I also like the sense that I am going to be someplace for a while. I finally feel like I have an adult lifestyle rather than living like I just graduated from Uni. Hitoshi was okay with hideously mismatching curtains, but that kind of stuff really annoys me after a couple of years.
Other things have been really good this year. My only disappointments are really with my feeling that I haven't maximized the opportunities I have been given this year. That kind of stuff is up to me. I guess that's my challenge. I'm pretty lucky that my husband supports me and generally gets a kick out of my crazy ideas or wild comments, and making up my own words to songs he liked before I warped them beyond recognition (a lot of that warping comes from my vocalizing).
Blah blah blah...(extreme mental laziness here)
I'm going to make myself a chocolate cake, go to the gym and finish some projects tomorrow.