Tokyo, Procrastination
I have been getting on really well with hubby lately. I probably didn't think hard enough about how to express this to him. Instead, I said, "Honey, I feel really in harmony with you right now." Basic error, was that I forgot to translate this into Man and spoke Woman instead.

He gave me a puzzled look, narrowed his eyes and said, "Do I have to do anything?"


on Feb 04, 2005
"Honey, I feel really in harmony with you right now."

This may just be my male ignorance speaking, but what DOES that mean?
on Feb 05, 2005
First, it means that we aren't fighting; secondly, and most importantly, it means that we are thinking of the same goals, trying to accomplish the same things and having an understanding about how the other person feels without having to tell each other. In my experience, this is a rare occurence.
on Feb 05, 2005
Which you spoiled by mentioning it Funny story And good for you two getting along lately, keep it up.