Tokyo, Procrastination
Published on February 21, 2005 By momijiki In Blogging
In other news, I had a strange allergic reaction to a sock. It is a sock I have worn before without problems. My foot was super itchy (top) and I took off my sock and my foot was red as a watermelon. I thought I had maybe burned my foot by having it too close to the heater, but the bright redness of the foot subsided within 30 minutes of taking the sock off, so that pretty much rules out a burn. I am going to christen that innocent looking pink and cream argyle sock the Evil Sock. Sadly, I forgot to mark which sock was the Evil Sock, so now the Evil Sock and his innocent twin are crumpled up by the laundry basket and indistinguishable from each other. I imagine I will have to go through another session of intense foot itchiness before I can attach horns and a pitchfork to identify the real Evil Sock. Without my feet in the sock, I can't very well ask for the real Evil Sock to please stand up.

Well, that is enough silliness for now. And yes, it is a true story. Except for attaching horns and a pitchfork. I imagine that it would make it difficult to put on pants in the morning.

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