Tokyo, Procrastination
So I checked out the web-page. The course is 3.5 km long and has 11 obstacles. There is a maximum of 390 people allowed to participate in the event, so I hope I get registered in time. If I win (which is really unlikely unless everyone else is abducted by aliens mid-course) I get 150kg of koshi-hikari rice. If you haven't tried this rice, you don't know what you're missing. 10kg costs anywhere from 30 to 50 dollars US. There are 5 draw prizes for trips to Hawaii. I will be hoping for that stuff. Somebody has to win, right? They are also having a winter festival the day before, so it should be quite fun!

YAY! I can't wait! You can check out the details at this web site above (or below?) linked. Sorry, only Japanese characters.
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