Tokyo, Procrastination
Published on August 12, 2005 By momijiki In Life Journals
I can finally feel myself getting fitter. Things have been wierd for me since the end of April when I had miscarriage (very early) and then a month later some complications that took a while to get fixed. Basically, I've been a lump for the last few months, especially before a recent surgery that cleared up my probs. It's hard to take public transport if you think you might have problems.

Anyhow, I've started riding my bike to work. I used to do this no problem and the first time back was really hard. Huffing, puffing and sweating all over the place. Of course, when it's over 30C it gets a little tougher, but bit by bit its become easier and while I'm still sweaty and a bit huffy, it doesn't take as long to get to work.

What made today really neat was having to ride home in a rain storm. Lightening made a great show in the distance, and it felt really good to put effort into getting home. Glad I remembered to put my light on my bike. This was the coolest ride I've had in a while.

on Aug 12, 2005
I'm so sorry to hear about your miscarriage. It's great you're slowing getting back on your feet. You're getting fitter from bike riding because you're doing it everyday and that's great!

The hard part is always getting started when it comes to exercising. And even harder if you stop, take it from one who knows!
on Aug 13, 2005
Thanks for the well wishes. It is great to start being active again. I hate feeling like a slug.
on Aug 20, 2005
Keep up the cycling! Great to read something from another cycling nut. I ride a recumbent and am 100% car-free. Glad you got back in the saddle. it'll do you a world of good.