Tokyo, Procrastination
I was doing pretty well on this for about four days. Day 5 was a non post day so that I could go do stuff instead of sit around. Then tragedy struck.

My hard-drive crashed completely. It happened gradually in dribs and drabs so I was able to back up all my documents except for my precious links in my favorites folder.

It could have been worse. It could have been the big bang, and the repair shop upgraded the hard drive to 60G! Good for my little laptop. And since my computer has been making wierd sounds for over a year, I should be grateful it lasted that long.

So, the rest of my week was spent getting it repaired, upgraded then reloading all software etc.

All is good except for sound card not working. Sigh... back to Ebisu I go.

So tragedy and inconvenience aside:

Here is my summary:

the best help I got was at some household tips website

The hardest part is to start and there is nothing to help you do that except you (like I didn't know that)

A master list is a great tool, but be sure not to put so much on there that it will never be concluded

An easy way to muff up, is to underestimate how much time it is going to take to do something (think about the steps invovled)

Organizing is great (I LOVE to organize) but you have to maintain and there comes a point where you have to DO.

Ironically, I would love to have a job as an organizer. I love organizing things. This is a DO I adore. It's the maintenance part I don't like. For me, it would be ideal to swoop in, organize and get paid, then leave before daily life's mayhem settles back in.

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