Tokyo, Procrastination
This article was originally printed byThe Observer (London)
Published on February 25, 2004 By momijiki In Current Events
Yesterday (Feb 24, 2004), the Japan Times ran an article by a London newspaper, The Observer. This article notes that this report was commisissioned by Andrew Mashall, a Pentagon advisor, but suppressed by US defense chiefs. The report predicts that by 2020, most of Europe's cities will be under water. Famine, drought, conflict and widespread rioting are expected to result. One possible scenario is the rise of nuclear warfare as nations struggle to protect dwindling resources. The article quotes the Pentagon report by Peter Schwarz (CIA consultant and former head of Royal Dutch/ Shell Group) and Doug Randall (Global Business Network) saying that "climate change 'should be elevated beyond a scientific debate to a U.S. national security concern.'"

This article obviously raises a lot of questions. Why aren't we doing more about global warning? Or is it too late already? What can the world do to prevent this? As bad as terrorism is, it would be nothing compared to having everyone at each other's neck. What about the countries who haven't signed the Kyoto protocol (and yes, I understand there are flaws, but no other brilliant ideas seem to come up except for "Screw you guys, I'm going home" (to quote Southpark)? Do these countries figure they can ride out the tide, or "clean up" Risk style (the board game) as everyone else dies off?

This is probably the most frightening thing I have come across.

Please check out this article if you can find it.

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