Tokyo, Procrastination
Published on January 28, 2006 By momijiki In Health & Medicine
The FDA posted a warning about a possible but unproven (in human studies) about a link between people who use Protopic and skin cancer or lymphoma.

People who use protopic generally suffer from eczema, more specifically, atopic dematitis (REALLY dry itchy skin that forms scales, and plaques and generally gets the heck scratched out of it causing scabbing or rash).

They recommend using Protopic only as a last resort and not for long term use.

Ok. Great. (read heavy sarcasm here)

My husband uses that stuff heavily every day and has been doing so for the last 2 YEARS! So I was thrilled to read on the FDA release that developement of cancer seems to be dose-dependant. I would definitely categorize him as a heavy user of this product. Not that I can blame him. He has tried so many other things that hadn't worked. This stuff doesn't really "work" either but at least it helped.

Here is the link to FDA release:

At least he is going to the Dr. today. I told him to mention the article and the fact that he often has lumps in lymph areas. I know that doesn't sound good, but he's asked before and the Dr's always tell him not to worry about it.

I asked my Dr. and he said as long as the lumps come and go, not to worry about it. Ok. But how quickly are they supposed to come and go?

i Hope DH doesn't jam when it comes to asking the Dr. about this. I know he would rather not deal with the whole thing. I totally sympathize. I ended up having a few more problems than I should have this summer because I didn't go see the Dr again after I had my miscarriage. But problems cleared up for a month before coming back to plague me so I had thought I was in the clear.

I am probably worrying over nothing, though. I hope I am.

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