Tokyo, Procrastination
momijiki's Articles In Personal Computing
October 12, 2005 by momijiki
I have recieved lots of great tech advice from the JU community. Thanks for all your help, folks! Now, does anyone know if I can stick an avi file into my blog body? I will be dreaming of your answers, for I am so tired my eyes are droooping as I type this.
July 15, 2006 by momijiki
I've been looking at a lot of books to learn how to make a web page. The Dummies guides aren't preferred because they are two years old now. Basically, I am going to use because it will be convenient and to start with, I will use those tools. Getting something like dreamweaver is out of the question because of budgetary concerns. I tried geo cities but am not happy with their tools. ARe the godaddy tools about the same quality? I pretty much know nothing about HTML and t...
August 14, 2005 by momijiki
I want to create a website. The purpose of it is to hopefully sell some photographs and some fiction that I write. I would also like to be able to put a blog on there (just for me) that I could ideally link to from my cell phone (or am I dreaming on that one?). I know that my first step is to buy a domain name. Step two is to choose a company for web-hosting. At this point I am considering Netfirms. I am considering them because "Top 10 Review Sites" Link had it in their top ten and...