I had all these nice plans to go watch a recording of the Stanley Cup finals. My home town team(Flames) were in the final. I was SOOOOO rooting for them to win. I was going to go to a Canadian bar in Shibuya called the Maple Leaf to watch a recording of the game. Then my co-worker mentions the live updates on globeandmail.com ruining my carefully cultivated ignorance of the event. It's not long after that that I can no longer wait and check the score. Dreams are dashed. Lightning win...
The top sumo wrestler in Japan is a Mongolian man whose sumo name is Asashoryu. Until recently, he was the Yokozuna. This is the top rank in Sumo. He has been suspended from participating in tournaments because he told the sumo organization that he had a serious injury that would likely require hospitilization. Not a few weeks later, he was on TV playing soccer doing dives and running hard. As I understand it, the Yokozuna is supposed to keep wresting unless he has a serious injury. ...