Tokyo, Procrastination
momijiki's Articles In Blogging » Page 5
December 15, 2008 by momijiki
This is inspired by Boudica's list of what have you done.  Tova mentioned that she had a lot of other cool things that weren't on the list that were pretty cool.  I know there are a lot of interesting people here on JU, so come on!  What have YOU done?  Share! It doesn't have to be ten.  It could be more or less.   1.  got married in Hawaii 2. got my blackbelt in jujitsu (included practical test and essay written in Japanese) 3. been in some...
February 12, 2008 by momijiki
Loca responded to my blog about cheesy songs and she mentioned a cheese form I haven't thought of in a long time Link --the party cheese ball. My mom has the best recipe for cheeseballs ever. I think it's from the Best of Bridge cookbook but I'm not sure. Mom's cheeseball is home made and covered in crushed walnuts. It is cheesy, creamy, spicy and spreadable on a cracker. I fell in cheesy love at first bite. When I moved to Vancouver to go to university I would get a craving for some...
January 5, 2008 by momijiki
There are certain things that I am embarrassed to find funny. Things that I generally don't tell people. I'm a semi-closet goofball. When people first meet me the assume that I'm quiet, easy going and laid back. Then they get to know me. Or rather, I get to know them well enough to find out if I can turn off the little editor. Here is the list of things I'm embarrassed to find funny: 1. The time my mom stood on a chair with wheels to check the gas meter, fell down the front of the...
May 13, 2007 by momijiki
April 18, 2007 by momijiki
I went to the hot stone spa at my gym today. It's not one of those Spa Treatment experiences (I capitalize this because I have a friend who manages one of those kind of spas) where someone puts warm stones and essential oil or something on you for the jolly price of fifty dollars or more. The hot stone spa here is more like a sauna but instead of cedar benches there are long , heated stone beds that you lie on. Somewhere there is some kind of wood called Keyaki which gives the room a nice,...
March 19, 2007 by momijiki
Just thought I'd do a quick blog while I'm waiting for a disk to burn so I can finish up this job and finally go to sleep. The cherry blossoms should be coming out with the next week and a half. I'm a little bummed that the trees on my street got chopped back quite a bit because of electrical powerlines. I'm hoping they'll still look good but I have little hope they will look as good as last year. Oh, the disk is done. Goody. Now I can get some sleep.
January 16, 2007 by momijiki
A couple of years ago I went to this pet store on the top floor of a local department store. Not your best bet to get a pet (ha ha nice channelling of Dr. Suess there) but I was kind of curious about if they just sold pet food or had actual animals. I got to the top floor which was actually the roof and walked across to the little shack-type room. As I walked up to the shanty-shop I was taken aback by the fact that they were tasteless enough to have a fur welcom mat. To me that's pretty...
January 12, 2007 by momijiki
I wasn't going to do it, but I can feel I am on the cusp of making them even if I don't directly acknowledge that's what I'm doing. Here goes: 1. Lose 6 g. That's probably realistic. At one point in my life I would have been a bit annoyed to weigh that but now I can't be bothered to make the effort to lose more than I really need to. And more importantly, I think those 6 kg are a sign of some lifestyle changes I need to make. I used to love working out and now it doesn't fill me ...
September 30, 2006 by momijiki
This was on my list from last year. *dacshunds running (have you ever seen the wiener dog races???? tooo hilarious. Popular breed here now. So jealous) *my chair in my study (I have a great little posture chair but I'm always in the slouchy comfy chair with laptop on lap) *view outside my study (recently there are butterflies living a life and death saga with all the birds) *hubby (he's just so cute when he's not pissing me off! ) *my photo *this chocolate almond croissant...
September 19, 2006 by momijiki
Of course, I heard all about the crazy frog ringtones when all the frenzy was going on. But crazyfrog never caught on in Japan and if it ever played on the radio here, I still would have never heard about it. Japanese radio drives me crazy because most stations play half a song and then the hosts talk most of the way through it. So okay. I heard about it and couldn't care less. Today I happened to read a book where everyone's cell-phone had the crazy frog ring tone. So now I'm curious...
March 16, 2006 by momijiki
Can't sleep. Would like to. got about 4 hours and then I just kept thinking about stuff. I'm giving a test tomorrow and I'm worried I made mistakes on it. Normally, no biggie. I deal with problems if they come up. Tonight I'm losing sleep over it. I'm also trying to have another shot at having a kid. Now I'm all freaked about some photography chemicals that got on my skin (what can happen!!!!!--- I washed my hands thoroughly after but I should be wearing gloves and have MAJOR gu...
February 1, 2006 by momijiki
My intuition is kicking on high gear but I'm not sure what I'm supposed to be figuring out. I hate that. Then again, I'm not sure how reliable my intuition is at this time. I feel a bit stressed and so that often crosses my wires, and I tend not to be the most trusting woman on the block (yet I am sometimes so gullible... sheesh). And other times, I am spot on with my there's-something-going-on-o-meter. Achh... maybe I just need to get some more sleep.
December 14, 2005 by momijiki
How do I describe my place? One visitor asked me, "How long have you lived here?" When I replied, "Three years" she looked puzzled. "I thought you'd just moved in." My apartment consists of two rooms, a kitchen and a bathroom. The bedroom has become a huge closet/den for me because it has a carpet and is bad for allergies so is no good for sleeping. The other room is our bedroom, dining room, tv room or whatever else room. As a system, it's not perfect, but it's what's goi...
December 14, 2005 by momijiki
Well, it looks like the evil pink and cream argyle sock has cleared off on its own. Most likely, it escaped out the hole in the washing machine, but I can't prove it. I suspect it is lying in wait somewhere, looking innocent (a la video tape a la "Ring") while waiting for someone to pick it up. I say, "Good luck, evil sock. People generally don't take home strange socks off the street no matter how cute the are--even if they are a cashmere blend!"
November 6, 2005 by momijiki
I have finally finished a pair of mittens that I was knitting for my brother. I started them three years ago. If you count all the times that I have ripped them out and started over then I have actually made about five mittens. Not five pairs, just five. So if one was a pentapod... The knitting itself is ok... the shaping (I used 4 double ended needles)... well. Let's just say I have learned the value of making notes when doing certain knitting projects... Still and all, I am reall...