Continuing my tradition of untimely movie reviews, here is mine of The Fountain. I generally won't see a movie because of it's actors but Hugh Jackman and Rachel Weisz are beginning to change that idea for me. I found these two imminently watchable and that is a good thing because this is a really intense movie. The story line interweaves three different timelines with incarnations of the same character. While it takes a bit of mental effort, it doesn't take too long to get cau...
Last night I dragged my husband to see Mummy 3 . I had read a few reviews that panned the movie, but I really liked the other two. See? I obviously don't have very high expectations. Then I thought, "hey, lots of other people have seen the movie and how bad can it be?" Answer:very bad. I think the premise had some promise. I enjoyed the idea that the setting was in China. I like that Alex grew up to be an adventurer. That's a no brainer. &n...
I need some movie titles. I go into the video shop and I can't really think of anything I want to see. For the most part, if it is a new release, I probably already saw it in the movie theater. What I am looking for is backlist! Something that is probably over a year old. Older than that is okay, too. It just has to be good. Genres I like: sci-fi action fantasy comedy (not stupid stuff like American Pie and not Woody Allen-- I h...
I finally saw The Mist on Saturday night. I know, I know. It's been out forever already. It's not been out so long in Tokyo. It was actually out in theaters last time I was in Canada (January) but I didn't go see it then. I had read the short story by Stephen King. I could never decide if I liked it. I thought the idea of the military opening a hole and bug stuff coming through from other dimensions was a pretty interesting idea. What I never liked about ...
Hubby is working late today. That means I can pick whatever movie I want for my Friday movie night on the big screen. This means I can go one of two ways: sci-fi action or chick-flick with cinematography. I was tempted by "Sound of Thunder" which I think is an adaptation of a Ray Bradbury story about a time-traveler who screws up the time line by not following the rules of a dinosaur hunt. I loved that short story, but I wasn't really in the mood for dinosaurs go metro. I really want t...
I asked for a whole bunch of books and dvd's when hubby went on business trip to us last week. And did I score!!!! I got Firefly, a couple of seasons of Simpsons and the WHOLE Buffy series. Let me say this again... THE WHOLE DVD SET!!!!! THat is how many hours of viewing? about 22 episodes per season (45 minutes each) so about 16 hours per season, by 7 seasons... over 100 hours of viewing!!!! and that doesn't even count the commentary! I love commentary as I love to hear about cre...