Tokyo, Procrastination
momijiki's Articles » Page 11
August 13, 2005 by momijiki
During a night session photography class, a praying mantiss landed on me. It was, I think, a BIG sucker! About as long as my forefinger! While shooting, I had the sensation of something crawling on my ankle and used my left foot to scratch it off. Then some flurry of grey, blurred movement in the dark and something is on my pants. I try to brush it off, but it wont go, fearing the worst (and I really don't have any specific in mind for worst, just, you know "the worst") I screamed a...
August 13, 2005 by momijiki
I had an awesome photography class tonight. We went to a jetty just outside Tokyo Disney Sea that looks across Tokyo Bay towards Rainbow Bridge and Tokyo Tower. Tonight was a fireworks festival that went on for an hour and a half. The spot was quite isolated as it was far from the action and not one of the "designated" viewing spots. The major advantage was being away from the crowd and not getting jostled or knocked around or just having general stress by being surrounded by thousands of...
August 13, 2005 by momijiki
I have pretty wavy hair (pretty functioning as an understated adverb here) that goes crazy in the humidity. Even if I wore a ponytail, bits of it around my ears escaped and curled up around my ears like the ghosts of princess leia's scary buns-do. I also got a sore head from contstant pony tails. So I got a straight perm about six months ago. It was great! I had straight hair and it didn't go wavy again after two hours out in the humidity. It was STRAIGHT!!!! But now I have six mont...
August 12, 2005 by momijiki
I can finally feel myself getting fitter. Things have been wierd for me since the end of April when I had miscarriage (very early) and then a month later some complications that took a while to get fixed. Basically, I've been a lump for the last few months, especially before a recent surgery that cleared up my probs. It's hard to take public transport if you think you might have problems. Anyhow, I've started riding my bike to work. I used to do this no problem and the first time back ...
August 12, 2005 by momijiki
No reading today as I did three articles yesterday and I was starting to get annoyed with the feeling of too much reading and not enough doing. Today, a lot of doing. Got two hours sleep because it was so darn hot last night. Don't know what we did to the airconditioner. Two nights ago I was wrapping my blanket around my head and thinking about wearing a toque to bed and last night steaming hot eve though it was same setting. This is not the perfect preparation for a productive day. ...
August 11, 2005 by momijiki
I’ve got a summer cold from using the air-conditioner. Figures. Work cancelled today, fortunately. So now for today’s new website: Link In general, the procrastination tips were about as specific as yesterday’s. Ok. This web-site is a lot more faith oriented which provides a different slant. Since the procrastination tips weren’t so hot, I checked out the links. Lots of short articles about “Balance”, “Writing Memorable...
August 10, 2005 by momijiki
Start: 11:03 Here's a link to the first article I read Link Words in quotation marks are from the article. This guy has the same article in lots of different places on the web, Link so if you see a title about stopping procrastination in 7 steps, best to skip this guy, I think. He has a lot of ideas, but the are TOO general. My philosophy about helping people is that if you're gonna help someone, don't just talk in the big picture. Give them specific tools to use. For e...
August 9, 2005 by momijiki
Ok... I just finished doing 20 minutes of general tidying up so I feel a little bit better. I have issues with housework which are better suited to another blog. So what are the rules gonna be???? Best to keep it simple and just a week long. I should be able to manage 7 days, right? (sniggers derisively). I figure read one or two web articles about procrastination, do a reflection on them and then try out the rules... Hmmm... there should probably be a reading and writing time lim...
August 9, 2005 by momijiki
In one of those stupid moments of procrastination, I decided to look up on the web how to stop procrastinating. Ironic. Like a sinking person thinking about using a rope and then not bothering to use one. Anyhow... I found this link about what people are doing to stop procrastinating Link Just browsed it quickly, but I think I will devote a little bit of blog time ove the next few days to this problem I have. Obviously it is an issue for me. I can get the "have to get it done" stuf...
August 9, 2005 by momijiki
Been ages since I blogged. I check out the forums pretty regularly but haven't really had anything to contribute. A lot of articles seem interesting, but don't really need y 2 cents so I don't deposit. Then there's that whole blog angst, "what should I write?" etc. So I return to my blog as a place where folks and friends back home can check on what's going on over here. Finally health is on the upswing. Amazing what a little minor surgery can do for ya. I probably would have gone to...
February 21, 2005 by momijiki
In other news, I had a strange allergic reaction to a sock. It is a sock I have worn before without problems. My foot was super itchy (top) and I took off my sock and my foot was red as a watermelon. I thought I had maybe burned my foot by having it too close to the heater, but the bright redness of the foot subsided within 30 minutes of taking the sock off, so that pretty much rules out a burn. I am going to christen that innocent looking pink and cream argyle sock the Evil Sock. Sadly, ...
February 4, 2005 by momijiki
I have been getting on really well with hubby lately. I probably didn't think hard enough about how to express this to him. Instead, I said, "Honey, I feel really in harmony with you right now." Basic error, was that I forgot to translate this into Man and spoke Woman instead. He gave me a puzzled look, narrowed his eyes and said, "Do I have to do anything?" Sigh....
February 2, 2005 by momijiki
Okay, wierd title error and I don't feel like fixing it. Hubby came home today and brought me some high class chocolate. Two truffles and a tiny box of chocolate covered orange peel. The fact that I like chocolate covered orange peel means that I have officially moved into adulthood. I used to think it was totally disgusting. If I get the good stuff, it is, in the words of Eric Cartman, "KICK ASSss!" Small problem is that I had decided to start a diet today. Decided not to tell hub...
December 15, 2004 by momijiki
I was just thinking, "if only I could be..." then it hit me. Be what? More disciplined. Not a procrastinator. More certain about what I want to do in my life. Yet, someone told me last year that I set the bar pretty high for myself. Okay. So that means? What? I don't think that I'm a bad person and I have a lot of good qualities. I think it comes down to what I heard as a child. "That was okay, but you could do even better." A couple of years ago I actually had to ask my parent...
December 15, 2004 by momijiki
I swear to god, that the rise in terrorism in the world is giving people the excuse to do nothing that they have been looking for. Got a pesky problem you don't want to deal with anymore? Eradicate iyour problem by blaming terrorism. For example, there are no longer any garbage cans around the local train stations here. Why? Terrorism. Or so they say. Shinjuku station or Shibuya, I could buy that excuse. After all, more than a million people pass through those train stations every day...